I didn't get much sleep last night as the town of Damascus stayed noisy in the tenting areas until around 3 a.m. Creeper and I had a good breakfast outside of town then returned to pick up Fiddler and Joe to drive back to the trail. We dropped them off at Catawba, VA (after another milkshake stop), then Creeper took me to Daleville, VA to drop me off. It was a great reunion with Creeper and a shame we can't continue the journey to Maine together. After saying so long and good luck, it was time for me to resume hiking this afternoon. I wasn't quite prepared for what happened next. After crossing Hwy 220 I had hiked barely 200 yards into the forest when I noticed a white plastic bag with a note attached. At first I thought it was trail magic, but then I saw that the note was for me. The note was from Hip, and here is what it said. "Rabbit, Hip has come to a tough decision - I'm getting off the trail here. My joints (especially my hip) are very sore and I'm mentally ready to end my journey here. Please write me after you reach Katahdin (complete with picture). Good luck and hike safe. Hip". Inside the bag were several candy bars and pop tarts. I was momentarily devastated. I had no idea whatsoever that Hip was contemplating stopping his thru hike.
Fortunately, Lori and Lollipop were hiking southbound just as I found the note so there were some people to share my moment of sorrow with. The next few miles to the shelter were lonely miles as I reflected on Hip and the great times we've shared the last few weeks together. I thought about his favorite red flowers and his excitement about the rhododendrons in bloom. I thought about sharing motel rooms and doing laundry together. I was really missing my hiking partner and sad that he wasn't going to be at the shelter or farther ahead as I had anticipated when I left Friday from his motel room to go to Damascus. The only comfort was the young lady and dog I had just met prior to leaving Troutville. Norway and Summer Dog raised my spirits when I caught up to and passed them on the way to Fullhardt Knob shelter. Once I arrived at the shelter, I discovered a crowd there and really was not in the mood to put up with a full shelter, so I decided to hike on to the Wilson Creek shelter 6 miles farther. I arrived to an empty shelter and hiked down the side of the mountain to retrieve some water for the evening meal. I was thinking that I might be alone for the first time at night but before I had finished pumping water Summer Dog came bounding down the trail and literally jumped in my lap. I was happy to see the Golden Retriever and her master and we all three headed up to the shelter for the evening. True to form, the rain began in earnest as darkness fell and it rained hard all night. Norway was suffering from bronchitis so she was having a rough time going to sleep so I shared some Tylenol PM to help her. We talked in the dark shelter in the rain until sleep finally took over. It was an emotionally gut wrenching day with all that took place but I was happy to be back on the trail and happy to be in a warm dry shelter. Today's stats; low 55 degrees, high 70. Cloudy then rain and stormy. Today's mileage: 11.2; cumulative 720.5.