I had to get out of Damascus today before noon or I knew I would get sucked in for another zero mile day of fun and partying. I ate breakfast with Two Trax and Shambala then hustled back to "The Place" to get my bump box to take to the post office. After mailing the bump box, I stopped by the grocery store for some cheese for a trail lunch then hurried back to "The Place" to pack up. I finally got back on the trail (which goes through town) at 9:50 a.m. despite the temptation to stay. For some reason it is always difficult to hike the first day out after a zero mile day and today was no exception. I hiked alone all day today and only saw one other thru-hiker, Loose Goose, who I passed about 2 miles outside of Damascus. It was a warm afternoon and I trudged painfully slowly on the 1300 foot climb over the first peak. But by 1:15p.m. I had reached Saunders shelter some 8 miles out of Damascus and stopped there for lunch. It was a beautiful shelter with lots of flat tenting area nearby, and I was tempted to stop for the day, but decided to go for the next shelter as my destination despite darkening skies and tired legs.
The afternoon hiking didn't seem quite as difficult once lunch was behind me. However, for the first time a water source in my data book proved to be dry when I arrived and I had to hike an additional 3 miles in the heat without water before reaching a stream to re-supply. I was on the last mile of the day's journey when it finally happened. The Barefoot Sisters! ! ! I learned of this year's trail legends way back in Georgia and had just missed meeting these two sisters on more than one occasion. You see, the Barefoot Sisters (Isis and Jackrabbit) are famous on the trail for two things...one, they are hiking the trail barefooted, and two, they've already hiked the whole AT from Maine to Georgia this year and then yoyoed (turned around) and are hiking back to Maine. Last Tuesday while hiking in the rain with Hip I was sure I was finally going to meet them when I saw fresh barefoot prints on the trail, but the sisters had taken a blue blaze (side trail) off the AT so I missed them that day. We exchanged trail talk for a few minutes then I took a photo of the famous couple before moving on to the Lost Mountain shelter for the night. I was thinking that I might possibly be in the shelter alone for the first time, but when I arrived I was greeted by Bob from Melbourne, FL, a 75 year old retired mathematics teacher who is hiking various favorite sections on the trail. The Lost Mountain shelter is another really nice shelter with a new privy. Loose Goose showed up, then Harp and Spoon (from Maine and Iowa), then finally Yolo. We had a great evening cooking dinner, trading stories, and journaling. Harp and Spoon tented and the rest of us sheltered. It was another nice day on the trail with an enjoyable evening and early to bed for a change. Today's stats: low 49 degrees, high 75. Sunny with distant rumbling over Mt. Rogers. Today's mileage: 15.8; cumulative mileage 470.9.