Today was another ZERO mile day but was a ton of fun with the families. Pat and Jane drove in from Knoxville to join us at about mid-afternoon. We had lots of great food and conversation, went to church for Easter services, celebrated my birthday (a little early), and had great family time together. A special thanks is in order for all of my support team so far on the journey, especially Jim and Jennie for being awesome parents! Creeper and family performed more trail magic, purchasing a yellow shirt for me that is identical in color to the one Creeper wore when successfully getting all those cars to stop and pick us up when hitch hiking. OK, the pressure is on now. If I can't get a ride now, I'll know it was either Creepers good looks or my lack thereof in getting a ride. No more Darth Vader clothing at road crossings. Yippee! ! Tomorrow is the beginning of the journey as a solo hiker. The ramifications of the dramatic change in the dynamics of the thru-hiker haven't been realized yet, but I'm sure tomorrow will be a much different story. Stay tuned.
OK, thanks to the following folks who have sent me e-mail in recent days. BSA Troop 367 in Birmingham, AL. Keep on hiking guys and enjoy your Philmont expedition this summer. It was one of my greatest experiences as a youth. Thanks to Judy G. for the words of encouragement and for letting me know that Mom is enjoying being part of the journey. To John W. and family, you keep reading, I'll keep writing. That's a fair deal. To Angus: where the heck have the last 23 years gone since we smoked them all at the Camporee? Flaming Arrow will always be the best. Let's hook up when I return to civilization and, ugghh, the working world. To Moe in Atlanta: I'm pondering your comments about using the Internet satellite access to photograph myself on top of a mountain. I guess you can't hide anywhere anymore. Orwell was right! Big brother is watching us. I'm still planning to meet you for that golf thing when my trail journey is complete. Finally, to Derek from T33: you, my friend, are one very confused individual. I know you're young, and there is still time to rectify the brainwashing that has obviously taken place, but you must know that Carolina will always be better than Duke. You see, the games are RIGGED for TV profits, etc. Ask your dad... he'll explain it to you. Paul??? Please help me on this one. Today's stats: more rain and storms, but who's keeping up with such trivial things? I had a roof over my head. Mileage 0, but my feet and knees still feel old. Tomorrow's a new day. Happy trails! ! RABBIT